Be the Change That You Want to See in the World

My Outreach and DEI+ Initiatives:

Superheroes of Science - Explore Titan

Superheroes of Science is a Purdue University College of Science program that also provides professional development opportunities for science teachers and delivers learning experiences for students. We collaborate with community partners, Purdue faculty, graduate students and K-12 teachers to continue developing an ever-growing collection of virtual activities and lab experiences for students of all ages. As a guest scientist I participated on Superheroes of Science’s podcast, sharing my passion and knowledge about the beauty of Saturn’s largest moon, Titan!

Links: Podcast , YouTube , Superheroes of Science

Letter to a Pre-Scientist (K-12)

Letters to a Pre-Scientist connects students to STEM professionals through snail mail to broaden students ’ awareness of what STEM professionals look like and do at work and inspire all students to explore a future in STEM. As a STEM Professional, I contributed my time as pen-pal connecting with middle schoolers and sharing my experiences as a scientist and college student.

Link: Letters to a Pre-Scientist

Imagination Station & Purdue -STEAM Camp (K-12)

Imagination Station is a non profit organization that provides a facility with activities and exhibits to teach children and adults alike about space, science, and technology. The STEAM Camp event is a multi-day long event where scientists, engineers, and artist host a learning session teaching kids about the wonders of their field through interactive activities. My team hosted an event for Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences through hands-on experiments such as impact crater creation, tornado in a bottle, and a Magic Milk experiment while also answering questions the students had.

Link: Imagination Station

Imagination Station & Purdue - Space & Earth Day (K-12)

Imagination Station is a non profit organization that provides a facility with activities and exhibits to teach children and adults alike about space, science, and technology. During my time here I held an Earth Day event teaching kids about Earth conservation methods, and how science plays a role through fun experiments and games!

Link: Imagination Station

NASA’s GFSC - Black History Month Panel

I had the honor of being invited to talk as a panelist in NASA’s Goddard Spaceflight Center’s (GSFC) Black History month event. Here I shared my experiences as an intern at GSFC and as an Afro-Latino researcher in my field.

Purdue Homecoming - College of Science Booth

Purdue homecoming is a large community event with festivities, and outreach opportunities for all colleges on campus. During this event I held a booth teaching about the greatness of space science to kids and adults alike through experiments and fun facts!

Purdue BRIDGE - Science and LGTBQ+

Purdue’s BRIDGE Program is an initiative from Purdue’s Office of Graduate Diversity and Inclusion (OGDI), where the help foster a safe space and community for underrepresented groups in Purdue’s graduate school. Through BRIDGE, I held a booth spreading the importance of representation and diversity in STEAM.

Link: Purdue BRIDGE , Office of Graduate Diversity and Inclusion

Purdue BRIDGE - About Graduate School Panel

Purdue’s BRIDGE Program is an initiative from Purdue’s Office of Graduate Diversity and Inclusion (OGDI), where the help foster a safe space and community for underrepresented groups in Purdue’s graduate school. During this panel I spoke on my graduate school experiences and tips on how to look for grad school opportunities, apply for grad school, and once in grad school, how to foster healthy work life balances

Link: Purdue BRIDGE , Office of Graduate Diversity and Inclusion

NSBP STEM Outreach(K-12) - Wonders of Science

The National Society of Black Physicists (NSBP) is the largest and most recognizable organization devoted to the growth, development, and advancement of the African-American physics community. Through my participation with NSBP I was able to setup outreaches to neighboring grade schools (elementary, middle, and high schools), conducting presentations and experiments to help ignite the flames of wonder in young minds.

Link: NSBP

NSBE STEM Outreach(K-12) - Opportunities in STEM

The National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE) is one of the largest student-governed organizations based in the United States. During my time with NSBE I focused on holding presentation in neighboring grade schools (elementary, middle, and high schools) accentuating opportunities and importance of diversity in the field of STEM.

Link: NSBE

SWE STEM Outreach(K-12) - Women in Science

The Society of Women Engineers (SWE) is the world’s largest advocate and catalyst for change for women in engineering and technology. With SWE I spent my time at neighboring grade schools (elementary, middle, and high schools), highlighting the efforts, importance, and impact of women in STEM through presentation and spreading the joy of STEM through engaging experiments.

Link: SWE

ERAU’s Astronomy Open house - Exploring Mars

Embry-Riddle Aeronautical university’s (ERAU) Astronomy club held a community event every semester inviting kids and adults to campus to share knowledge on space. As a key member throughout my undergraduate career, I was one of the Head Coordinator for the Mars Exploration exhibit. I gave tours on Martian rover discoveries and held fun activities for kids to learn more about space.

ERAU’s STEM Day - Science for Everyone

Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University hosts a day for middle school students from Volusia and Flagler counties to explore career fields in aviation, engineering, and aerospace. During the activity fair, the University’s faculty, staff, and students engage the students in fun, hands-on activities in the areas of STEM. During these events I worked as coordinator to help guide and mentor students throughout their activities for the day.

Mentorship Initiatives

Purdue BRIDGE - Graduate Coordinator and Mentor

Through Purdue’s Office of Graduate Diversity Initiatives (OGDI), I become a mentor for groups (3-4 students at time) of incoming Graduate students of diverse backgrounds, cultures, and ethnicities in order to help them adjust to graduate school and the area.

Purdue University - About Graduate School (1-on-1)

With Purdue’s Office of Graduate Diversity Initiatives (OGDI), I offered my time to mentor students on graduate school as a potential option.

NSF GRFP Proposal Writing

On my own volition, as an NSF Graduate Research Fellow Program (GRFP) fellow, I have helped mentored and guided students with proposal writing for applying to NSF GRFP.

Graduate School Personal Statement Writing

As a personal initiative, I have helped mentored and guided students with personal statement writing for applying to Graduate School.

Graduate School Research Statement Writing

As a personal initiative, I have helped mentored and guided students with Research statement writing for applying to Graduate School.

Purdue BRIDGE - Individual Development Plans (IDP)

As a mentor with Purdue’s Office of Diversity Initiatives (OGDI), I held a workshop and guided students on the importance of creating an IDP and how to effectively create one over the course of 3 months.