About Me and My Why:

People say, ‘The sky’s the limit’, but it’s just not true. That’s claiming that there’s a limit, limiting ourselves and our potential. For the past centuries what seemed to be our stopping point has constantly been pushed further and further, despite how impossible people believed it to be at that time. Ever since I decided to pursue my passion of space exploration through Astronomy and Astrophysics, people have constantly told me I could not do it, that I wasn’t smart enough, that I could not succeed in college, I could not be an astronomer/astrophysicist, I could not be scientist, nor go to space because of where I come from, and that the color of my skin should be evidence enough of my limitations.

After a while proving them wrong stopped being my motivation, for proving myself right, that I am worthy, was far more rewarding. With the new beginning of my career working towards my PhD in Earth, Atmospheres, and Planetary Science at Purdue University as a first-generation graduate participating more in research, and encouraging others to strive for their version of success has solidified my passions of becoming an Astronaut Scientist, an explorer of the unknown and a beacon of inspiration. As a proud Afro-Latino and first-generation graduate student, I want to lead, empower, and give back to my community through science.

Fun Facts About Me:


Email: Bacong@purdue.edu
LinkedIn: Giovanni Bacon