Cloudy with a Chance of Exploding Rain: Cloud Microphysics and Rain Production on Titan

Titan is the only solar system body other than Earth with a robust volatile cycle between its atmosphere and surface​. On Titan, methane plays a key role in producing clouds, precipitation, and surface liquids (oceans, rivers, and lakes). Although observed, very little is known about the properties of these clouds and precipitation. Even less so, the impacts that clouds and precipitation have on Titan’s atmosphere and surface. Through modelling, my research is set to enhance our knowledge of Titan by better understanding the microphysical processes that lead to the formation, growth, and precipitation of clouds in Titan’s atmosphere​. With this, I am investigating how precipitation on Titan interacts with the surrounding atmosphere on its descent from clouds down to Titan’s surface.

Advisor: Dr. Alexandria V. Johnson


Simulating Solar-Wind-Ion Sputtering of Sodium from Mercury: The Importance of the Surface Binding Energy (Published)