“If your dreams do not scare you, they are not big enough.”

― Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, This Child Will Be Great: Memoir of a Remarkable Life by Africa's First Woman President

My Passions

Hello, my name is Giovanni Bacon! I am an Afro Latino scientist who enjoys the exploration of space and helping his community through outreach and mentorship. My research interests lie in Planetary atmospheres, Exoplanets, Astrobiology, and Space Exploration, with a focus on combining the four to learn more about worlds within and outside of our solar system. I am currently working toward my PhD at Purdue University within the Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences (EAPS) department under Ben Pearce and Stephanie Olson studying Titan and Exoplanetary Atmosphere’s connection between atmospheric hazes, habitability, and prebiotic molecular creation.

Graduated with a B.S in Astronomy and Astrophyiscs

I earned my B.S. in Astronomy and Astrophysics with double minors in Applied Mathematics and Computer Science from Embry Riddle Aeronautical University (Daytona, FL campus). I am well known for my research with numerous NASA, USRA, and Embry-Riddle scientists. My contributions have been recognized and awarded during internships at NASA’s Goddard Spaceflight Center, Kennedy Space Center, and USRA’s Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy (SOFIA).

Future Aspirations

My long term aspirations are to become an Astronaut Scientist studying atmospheres of worlds outside of our own, while being a beacon of inspirations for people who were told that being different was wrong. My current goals are focused towards receiving his PhD, and joining a mission team that best suits my work as a Research Scientist, while helping my community by spreading the joy of STEAM and diversity through K-12 outreaches.

Meet Giovanni Bacon

A summary about “Lord” Giovanni Bacon and why he does what he does best (be a goofball).

My Research and Contributions

Learn more about my broad research history and enjoy my path of discovering what I wanted to study most.

My Outreach Initiatives

An overview of Giovanni’s outreach initiatives, group affiliations, along with my overall efforts to promote STEAM, and diversity within it.